Wednesday, December 17, 2008

New Moon

I finished reading New Moon in four days. I liked it but I liked Twilight better. I thought it was really sad when Edward left, that was really sad, but I knew they would get back together because if they didn't what would be the point of the third and fourth books. When Bella started to get really close to Jacob and stuff I kinda figured that something would happen and it did, he became a werewolf. I wonder whats going to happen between Bella and Jacob now that Edward is back. Plus, I really want to know if Bella becomes a vampire or not. I think she will, and I hope she does because I want Bella and Edward to be together forever, they are good for each other. I don't like how Jacob betrayed Bella and let Charlie know about the motorcycle. That was just cruel, but I was kind of expecting something like that to happen because Jacob was really heartbroken about Edward being back with Bella and everything. Now I can't wait to read Eclipse!!!!! Plus, i still wanna see Twilight!!!!! :)

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