Wednesday, December 17, 2008

New Moon

I finished reading New Moon in four days. I liked it but I liked Twilight better. I thought it was really sad when Edward left, that was really sad, but I knew they would get back together because if they didn't what would be the point of the third and fourth books. When Bella started to get really close to Jacob and stuff I kinda figured that something would happen and it did, he became a werewolf. I wonder whats going to happen between Bella and Jacob now that Edward is back. Plus, I really want to know if Bella becomes a vampire or not. I think she will, and I hope she does because I want Bella and Edward to be together forever, they are good for each other. I don't like how Jacob betrayed Bella and let Charlie know about the motorcycle. That was just cruel, but I was kind of expecting something like that to happen because Jacob was really heartbroken about Edward being back with Bella and everything. Now I can't wait to read Eclipse!!!!! Plus, i still wanna see Twilight!!!!! :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Finished Twilight

I finished Twilight!!!! It is such a good book just like everyone said it is. I could barely put it down whenever I started reading it. In the book my favorite part is when Edward brings Bella to the meadow. That part is so cute, I love it. I wish vampires were real, that would be so cool. I think it would be fun to be able to run as fast as they can. But I would really want to be like Edward have the mind reading power, I think it would be so much easier if I could know what peolpe are thinking. I think it would make life so much less confusing. Another thing is that if we were vampires our baseball games and even like football, basketball, and other sports would be even more fun to play and watch. In twilight I love how the author writes. She uses great words and good imgery that helps me vidualize what is happening in the story. Everyone should read Twilight at sometime because it is such a good book. Now I can't wait to go see the movie!!!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Now I am reading Twilight, finally. I have heard from everyone I know that it is an amazing book and I so agree. I just started reading it two days ago but I am already on page 192. I never ever want to put it down because it is so good. So far, Bella is the new girl at school and she has noticed that there is something strange about these kids named the Cullens. She soons becomes closer friends with one of the Cullen boys named Edward, but Edward doesn't seem to want to get close to Bella and Bella has no idea why. Right now I am up to the part where Bella just started to figure out that Edward is a vampire. I think it would be cool to be a vampire because your eyes change colors like all of the time. Plus, you can move really quickly and you would be really strong. But I wouldn't like it because they don't eat anything and I love to eat. Right now my favorite part of the book was when Edward saved Bella from being squished by the car, that was cool. I can't wait to see what happens next. Plus, when I finish reading the book I am going to see the movie. I can't wait!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Finished The Cage

I have finally finished reading The Cage. It was an amazing book, but it was really sad. Riva ended up living through her infection and going back to work, but instead of working at the normal family, she got a special job. Her job was to help the nurse/ doctor that cared for German war patients. The only reason Riva got this job was because she was still very weak, and because she still wasn't well enough to work at her normal job. One day, the people that were in charge of all the Jew girls were very jumpy and scared. They ended up marching all the girls to the middle of the forest intending to shoot them. Instead they ended up running in terror because a Russian was coming. With no where to go all the girls went back to the camp and several days later were found by a Russian soldier. The girls soon learned that they were the first survivors found. So in the end, Riva was the only survivor in her family that had gone to the camps, but she did end up finding her three older siblings that had escaped to a different country at the beginning of all the mayhem. Overall, I thought The Cage was a very intense and interesting book. I would definitely recommend it for high schoolers especially if they like reading about the Holocaust and past events. Now, because I am done reading The Cage I am going to start reading Twilight. I can't wait it sounds like a very good book.