Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Cage

I am still reading The Cage, it is a fantastic book. Right now it is kind of sad because Riva is really sick and may die. Sine the last time I blogged Riva and most of the people in town willingly went to the train station to be deported. They were all loaded up into a cattle car and were stuck in there for about 3 days. When they were finally let out they had arrived in a Jew camp. The guys and girls were split up and had to take off there clothes, jewelry and eye wear. From there they had to take a quick shower and had there hair shaven off. Then they were shown were they slept. At the camp the Jews get barley any food and are treated like animals. One day Riva and a bunch of other girls are brought to another camp to work. The girls had to make things for the Germans and Riva was put into a group that helped build a trench for the Germans fighting in the war. One day Riva woke up and didn't feel well. She had a fever and just wanted to sleep. Earlier in the week Riva had cut her finger and it ended up getting infected. Riva was brought to the doctor in the camp and had surgery done on her finger but the infection just kept spreading. Without a proper doctor and better surgery Riva may end up dying. I don't think she will because if she does I will hate the ending and because there are still lots of the book left so it would make no sense for her to die now. Overall I love the book and can't wait to see what happens next.

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