Monday, October 13, 2008

Finished The Book Thief

I just finished the book thief!!!! It was a really good book, the only thing is that at the end most of the characters died. The sad thing is that Liesel didn't die and Rudy, Papa, Mama and basically everyone that Liesel cared a lot about died. I thought it was really cute when Liesel was leaning over Rudy's dead body and she kissed him. But it was sad because Rudy will never know that Liesel finally kissed him and that Liesel loved Rudy. I also basically cried my eyes out when Liesel was by her dead Papa because she was having a really hard time letting herself admit that he was dead. I thought that when Liesel was carrying around her papa's accordion it was cute because it really showed how much Liesel cared for her papa. Overall I think the book was a excellent book and had a good plot and story line.


Phoenix said...

Ack! I'm getting spoilers! It sounds like a good book though. Aww, the ending sounds kind of depressing but in a kind of this-is-so-cute-but-sad way. x3

Kasey said...

That book sounds really good. I'm getting the Natzi kinda feel from it. Am I right? Well you should tell me and maybe I'll try out that book.